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Guiding Children: Reform Ourselves to Reform Education

The educator must be as one inspired by a deep worship of life, and must through this reverence respect … the development of the child’s life.” n January 6, 2017, we celebrated the 110th anniversary of the opening of the first Montessori school. What’s remarkable is that few educational movements persist this long, and even […]

Student Demonstration Night

Student Demonstration Night

Student Demonstration Night provides students with a platform to share their favorite classroom materials and spend time connecting with their parents in a new way. t the Montessori Foundation, we encourage schools to offer Student Demonstration Night at least once or twice a year, usually in the fall and spring. Some schools call it Parent […]

The Montessori Foundation’s BIG Work

The Montessori Foundation’s BIG Work

f you are receiving this issue from your child’s school, you are already a member of The Montessori Foundation’s Montessori Family Alliance (MFA) … even if you don’t know it. Individual subscribers are also members. What does Alliance membership get you? Actually, quite a lot … with more information being added every day. The Montessori […]

Offering Students the World: An Essay on Foreign Language Work in a Montessori Middle School

ith the number of Montessori Junior High programs increasing every year, there are several logistical components that need more guidance and thought. Some of the broader components of occupations, seminars, and mathematics have been talked about repeatedly, and there are many practitioners to offer advice and strategies. One component that has not seen as much […]

The Assistant in a Montessori Classroom

A white paper from The National Center for Montessori in the Public Sector. Downloaded and shared with permission from Key Points: Assistants are key to ensuring that the complex learning environment is prepared for children. Assistants enable Montessori teachers to focus on instruction without interruption. The assistant’s broad awareness and scanning of the environment […]

The Montessori Leaders Collaborative

n 2011, Trust for Learning invested in what would become a multi-year convening process of the Montessori leadership across the country, which encouraged them to think big for the first time, as well as to establish trust in the idea of working collaboratively, not in the interest of any one organization, but rather in the […]

Three-Year Age-Spans in Montessori Classrooms / The Benefits of the Full Upper Elementary Cycle

Three-Year Age-Spans in Montessori Classrooms / The Benefits of the Full Upper Elementary Cycle

A white paper from The Center for Montessori in the Public Sector Downloaded and shared with permission from Key Points: Montessori education is uniquely designed to maximize the benefits of seamless educational pathways designed in 3-year increments. Learners benefit academically and socially from three –year mixed-age groupings. It is accepted practice for public Montessori schools […]

Student Demonstration Night

Video: Do schools kill Creativity?

In this acclaimed TED Talk, Sir Keneth Robinson makes an entertaining and profoundly moving case for creating an education system that nurtures (rather than undermines) creativity.

Video:  Montessori in a Nutshell / Tim Seldin

Video: Montessori in a Nutshell / Tim Seldin

In 2013, Trevor Eissler challenged the Montessori Community to prepare 60 second elevator speeches to explain Montessori in a nutshell. Here is one done on the spot by Montessori Foundation President, Tim Seldin. There are several videos in the series that we have included in the members’ library.

Video:  Montessori in a Nutshell / Tim Seldin

Video: Montessori in a Nutshell / Hermosa Montessori School

In 2013, Trevor Eissler challenged the Montessori Community to prepare 60-second elevator speeches to explain Montessori in a nutshell. Here is one done by the Hermosa Montessori School, a Montessori Charter School in Tucson, Arizona. There are several videos in the series that we have included in the members’ library.

Student Demonstration Night

Video: Montessori Seniors Reflect on Their Education

19 Montessori High School Seniors Reflect on Their Education Filmmaker Erick Johnson recorded seniors at Clark Montessori High School in Cincinnati, Ohio USA

Student Demonstration Night

What is most important in Montessori?

  he Montessori approach is often described as an education for life. When we try to define what children take away from their years in Montessori, we need to expand our vision to include more than just the basic academic skills. Normally, Americans think of a school as a place where one generation passes down […]

Video:  The Montessori Way Parent Talk

Video: The Montessori Way Parent Talk

This is a talk given by Tim Seldin at the Montessori Foundation conference in Hong Kong presented to parents at the International Montessori School of Hong Kong. It is more than an hour, but may be interesting. In this presentation, Tim speaks about Montessori, child development, and Montessori’s lasting impact on children.

Student Demonstration Night

Video: Journey to Independence

One of our favorite Montessori resources is Montessori Guide, which has been organized by the Association Montessori Internationale This particular video is a lovely glimpse into Montessori programs for birth to six: Journey to Independence. The main website is Journey to Independence from Montessori Guide on Vimeo.