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Webinar:  Separation Anxiety

Webinar: Separation Anxiety

August 23 – Lorna McGrath – Separation Anxiety: “Yikes! I’ve got it!” In this session Lorna will focus on the young child and her first days of school – saying “Good-bye.” Who has more anxiety? You or your child? Lorna will share tips for parents to make those good byes go more smoothly and comfortably […]

Webinar:  Transitioning Children into Montessori

Webinar: Transitioning Children into Montessori

Are you considering starting your child in a Montessori school at four years old, 8 years old, 15 years old? Robin Howe, Associate Head of NewGate School, explains the in’s and out’s of the admission process when new older students and their families wish to start in Montessori. Schools carefully consider many factors before admitting […]

Webinar:  Yoga Aids Friendships and Communication

Webinar: Yoga Aids Friendships and Communication

Participants will discover a variety of techniques to develop friendships and communication skills. Activities will be introduced which help further friendships, reduce cliques and enhance communication skills. Appropriate for Kindergarten age and up in small or larger group settings.

Webinar:  Language II / Sandpaper Letters

Webinar: Language II / Sandpaper Letters

Sandpaper Letters are one of the top three materials used in the Language area of the 3-6 classroom for supporting children’s learning to associate the sight, sound, and shape of the letters in the English alphabet. They are a brilliantly designed multi-sensory material used in conjunction with the Three Period Lesson to assist young children […]

Webinar:  All-Day Montessori

Webinar: Developing Emotional Strength

Hillary Drinkell – In this session participants will discover how to develop children’s imaginations and emotional strength through stories, myths and fairy tales. Various activities will be discussed that have practical applications to furthering children’s imaginations and emotional strength. Appropriate for students of all ages.

The Three-Period Lesson

The Three-Period Lesson

Editor’s Note: The Three-Period Lesson is a fundamental technique used by Montessori educators to introduce a new lesson to children and lead them along a path to understanding and mastery. Most of us first think of the Three-Period Lesson as it is used to teach vocabulary, as illustrated in this brief article by Lillian DeVault […]

Webinar:  All-Day Montessori

Webinar: Language III / Moveable Alphabet

This is the third in a series of talks about the essential Montessori language materials. Tune in to find out more about what the purpose of the Moveable Alphabet is and how we use it in our classrooms. Montessori said that children can write before they read. Download File

Webinar:  All-Day Montessori

Webinar: Sensitive Periods in the Elementary Years / Pt 1

Robin Howe, Associate Head of NewGate School, the lab school of the Montessori Foundation, offers a clear explanation of “sensitivities” an elementary child experiences and many useful ideas for understanding their interests and behaviors in this two part series. Download File

Webinar:  Grandparenting:  How, What, Why We Speak

Webinar: Grandparenting: How, What, Why We Speak

Margot Garfield-Anderson, Montessori Foundation staff and grandparent emeritus – Many a grandparent and parent have probably wondered how Montessori teachers always know the right thing to say at the right time. Join Margot for a look at how they do that and how we can learn to do it, too. Download File

Webinar:  All-Day Montessori

Webinar: Sensitive Periods in the Elementary Years / Pt 2

Robin Howe, Associate Head of NewGate School, offered a clear explanation of “sensitivities” and many useful ideas for understanding the elementary child’s interests and behaviors in Part 1. Join us for Part 2 as we continue to look at the remaining sensitivities.

Webinar:  All-Day Montessori

Webinar: Montessori for Adolescents / Pt1

Find out how traditional education fails to prepare young people for the “ever-changing future” in the 21st century. Paul’s knowledge and insights with regard to adolescents and Montessori are not only encouraging but also clearly stated and practical. Download File