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Where and when to advertise job openings for Montessori guides

Where and when to advertise job openings for Montessori guides

Montessori teachers tend to be in short supply world-wide. In part this is because of the rapid expansion of Montessori charter schools opening in the USA who need 10, 20, or more Montessori teachers all at once. Another reason is because Montessori is expanding rapidly outside of the United States, and more American Montessori teachers […]

Color Coding in Montessori

Color Coding in Montessori

Here is a question asked by an IMC member in Michigan In the Montessori math materials units have various colors. Gold, red, green. I certainly understand that golden beads are golden and completely concrete, as well as the hierarchy designation (green, blue, red, repeat…), but can you explain why the bead bars units and the […]

How can I become a Montessori Consultant?

How can I become a Montessori Consultant?

Question: I am interested in getting into the field of consulting. I am an experienced Montessori teacher who is passionate about the methodology. I love solving problems and generating new ideas. Please contact me with any information you can about how to get into this field. Response: In Montessori, normally a consultant is a master […]