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Results for "The Parenting Puzzle"

Montessori Family Alliance

Montessori Family Alliance Member BenefitsWe have been a well-known trusted source of practical and reliable information, answers, and advice for families all over the world for 30 years. Whether you are: Simply looking into Montessori for the first time A family whose children are just beginning their Montessori journey A home-schooling family A teacher wanting to know more about Montessori Or even a graduate of one of the world’s more than 22,000 Montessori schools We’re here to help! If...

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MFAMontessori EducationMontessori Family LifeMontessori ParentingTC November 2021

Developing a Global Understanding

Montessori is an education centered around peace. How do we help students spend a lifetime, not only accepting and sharing peace, but also feeling secure in the idea that, what is ‘different’ from them and their understanding is interesting and exciting rather than weird or wrong? Communities that are different from their own community can be found next door, a few streets over, or countries or continents away. Finding comfort with even a few of the noticeable differences can help us take...

Family ResourcesMFAMontessori EducationMontessori Family LifeMontessori ParentingTC November 2021

Silence is a Gift

For more than a hundred years, children in Montessori schools have been practicing the Silence Game as part of their regular routine. Maria Montessori discovered that children experience great pleasure from the self-control that produces real silence. This is a silence that comes from within the child rather from the demands or rewards for silence that we often make of children. “At first when I had not yet understood the soul of the child, I thought of showing sweets and little toys to the...

Silence is a gift

Tomorrow’s Child | November 2021

Tomorrow's Child The International Magazine for Montessori Families Table of Contents | November 2021 ISSUEProviding Peace in the Pandemic: The Montessori Approach to Living Well in Anxious Times by Laura Earls | Preparing the Early Childhood Learning Environment by Marie Conti & Marcy K. Krever| Grace & Courtesy: From Early Child to Beyond by Cheryl Allen |  Staying Neutral: How To Manage Siblings Fighting by Simone Davies | Silence Is a Gift by Lorna McGrath | Top 10 Ways to Show...

Cover of November issue

Tomorrow’s Child | September 2021

Tomorrow's Child The International Magazine for Montessori Families Table of Contents | September 2021 ISSUEPractical Life for Grown-Ups by Scott Osborne | Encouraging Risk-Taking by Peter Pizzolongo | Grace & Courtesy: From Early Child to Beyond by Robin Howe | What You’ll See In A Great Montessori School by Julia Volkman | Meditations On Parenting a High Schooler by Christine Chapman | Top 10 Things Your Montessori Guide Hopes You Remember by Cheryl Allen | Helping Children With...

cover TC Sept 2021

Landing Page Montessori Family Alliance Sale 24March2021

The Montessori Family Alliance (MFA) is an international network of Montessori parents, teachers, and friends of Montessori. Member benefits include our Montessori family magazine,Tomorrow’s Child, our parent resource library, blogs, practical tips for bringing Montessori home, weekly webcasts, discussion groups, our Montessori helpline, a private Facebook group, and parent education programs.  We’re here to help! Become a Montessori Family Alliance Member, there are several membership plan...

Landing Page Survey MFA 17March2021

The Montessori Family Alliance (MFA) is an international network of Montessori parents, teachers, and friends of Montessori. Member benefits include our Montessori family magazine,Tomorrow’s Child, our parent resource library, blogs, practical tips for bringing Montessori home, weekly webcasts, discussion groups, our Montessori helpline, a private Facebook group, and parent education programs.  We’re here to help! If you are not already a member of the Montessori Family Alliance, there are...

MFAMontessori AdministratorsMontessori Family LifeParent EducationSchool LeadershipSchool ResourcesThe International Montessori CouncilWebcasts / IMC

Wishing you had a Parenting Instructor at your School

Are you wishing that you not only had a parenting instructor at your school but that the instructor actually understood Montessori? Do your parents come to you for parenting advise but can't get away during the day or in the evenings to join a live group? If so, the Parenting Puzzle - The Basics might be just the ticket. Join us to find out how it works and how you can get started with the course you've been hoping for. This will be an interactive session; we encourage questions, comments,...

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Montessori Family Alliance School Group Membership (Print & Digital 2025-2026 School Year )

MFA School Group Membership includes:

  • This is for the 2025/2026 issue, you will receive your first issue in the Fall 2025
  • Print and digital issues of Tomorrow’s Child for each family at your school
  • MFA membership for all of your families (a value of $55/family)
  • Guidance and instruction to help you best introduce the MFA to your families for maximum engagement.
  • Print and digital materials and scripts so you can effortlessly communicate the value of this gift to your parents.
  • Access to our online parent resource library including thousands of articles and webinars on parenting and school topics.
  • Discounts on the Parenting Puzzle, our online parenting course created by Lorna McGrath.
  • Parent webinars with Montessori thought leaders and access to recordings to watch on their own time.
  • Access to the team at the Montessori Foundation. We’re here to help!
  • Invitation to a closed Montessori parent Facebook group to connect Montessori parents globally

If you require an invoice and would like to pay by check or have a small school and need to request a lower minimum quantity, please email

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Parenting Puzzle

Peacing it all together. This updated edition of the popular course, The Parenting Puzzle, led by Lorna McGrath, shares the secrets of Family Leadership—the Montessori way. Over the course of five weeks, Lorna provides strategies and practical examples that you can use right away to bring peace and ease into your home, creating a haven for the whole family where power struggles fall away and give rise to joy. Now offering a new payment plan! 3 monthly installments of $90!You Will Learn:...

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  • About The Montessori Family Alliance

    Membership in The Montessori Family Alliance means direct access to Montessori experts and other friends and parents of Montessori. Now, you have a one-stop resource for all of your Montessori needs. Brought to you by The Montessori Foundation.

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