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Written by Mariana Bissonnette

Illustrated by Alishs Nicole Brumfield, Brenda Brambila, Esma Bošnjaković, Samantha Morales-Johnson, Sophia Marie Pappas, Tracy Nishimura Bishop, and Chie Ushio

During the years that I have been studying the Montessori Method and philosophy, I have read, literally, hundreds of books written by Montessorians, as well as many experts from others in the field of child and adolescent development. Most recently, my focus has been on supporting families, and many good books are out now for parents. This one gets a gold star from me!

Babies Build Toddlers is written to support families of infants through 18 months old. Mariana Bissonnette brilliantly gives readers enough information about child development so that, when they are done, they actually feel secure in their knowledge of infant development and their capability to do the right things for their baby instead of being overwhelmed by too much and, frankly, too technical information.

The author uses a plant analogy to describe how the baby builds the toddler. It’s beautifully simple and sensible! And she has a wonderful sense of humor. You may notice that there is quite a list of illustrators for Bissonnette’s book. Nicely done! The illustrations are fun, colorful, multicultural, multiracial, and multigender. There is no one kind of family.

There are five parts:

  1. The Plant (the toddler) This part explains who the toddler is.
  2. The Roots (infant development) Here, the reader learns the critical areas of development for infants.
  3. The Conditions (the physical and emotional environment) Now the reader learns what infants need to do in their home to develop to their full potential.
  4. The Gardener (the adult’s role) Finally, the reader discovers how to best support their baby during these most important months of life.
  5. The Full Chart (a timeline for your baby’s growth) The reader gets here, and they know they’re ready!

The author is a Montessorian. The values that we hold dear are all in here: respect; dignity; practice informed by observation; empathy; recognition of potential; independence; order; peaceful interactions; and more.

You can purchase this book (new or used) at most book distributors.