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Written by Ellen Galinsky

Have you ever wondered if there are stages to parenthood like there are for childhood? The answer is, “Yes. There are.” Ellen Galinsky did an in-depth study of parents during different times from when their children were “imagined” to when their children were grown and leaving home.

My children are in their 30s and I now have a grandson who is seven years old. It was interesting to me to think about him when my daughter-in-law was pregnant, then in the first months after he was born, and on into the elementary years. As a grandparent I can see him differently than when my own children were growing and changing but there are many similarities to the parent stages. You are probably in the midst of a parenting stage or stages, depending on whether you have one or more children. This book may help you sort out and better understand your own feelings and thoughts as well as your parenting partner’s.