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When Toddlers Say No!

When Toddlers Say No!

ost parents of toddlers have heard somewhere that their child is interested in being independent, or that developing a strong sense of autonomy is an important part of development for children between the ages of fifteen months and three. However, when your child is saying “NO!” to dressing, toileting, leaving an event, or anything else […]

Fade and Observe

was observing in a primary classroom the other day when I saw an utterly enthralled four-year-old boy doing the hand-washing work. His hands were in the beautiful blue and white basin, and he was smiling as he turned the water over and under each hand. Soon, he let out a sigh, which apparently meant he […]

First-Time Grandparenting

First-Time Grandparenting

his past year several of my Montessori colleagues and friends became first- time grandparents. What a special gift they have all received. As Montessori guides, administrators, and practitioners what a gift they bring to the table. Because Montessori taught us all to be keen observers and to not rush in and “do” for children when […]

More Evolution

hose babies are so cute! They are carried in by their mothers to the prepared environment beside my office.  Of course, this causes me to sometimes drop what I’m doing in order to observe them. I can’t help myself. Ashley Montague wrote in Growing Young that there is an evolutionary advantage to a baby’s cuteness. […]

Building Generation Kindness

Building Generation Kindness

his is the story about a little girl named Rachel. For Rachel’s 9th birthday, she wanted to do something different. Instead of receiving gifts, she wanted to raise $300 for Charity Water, a non-profit organization bringing clean and safe drinking water to people in developing countries. One month later, Rachel passed away in a tragic […]