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You Can’t Hurry Love – Homework The Montessori Way

You Can’t Hurry Love – Homework The Montessori Way

Far too many schools have transformed the process of learning and discovery, which comes naturally to children at birth, into a stressful and often unpleasant experience. We tend to think about schools from a business perspective. We talk incessantly about high standards, competition, and holding children accountable. Somewhere along the way we forgot that schools […]

What A Montessori Teacher Needs To Be

What A Montessori Teacher Needs To Be

Editor’s Note: This is an excerpt from Dr. Maria Montessori’s Education for a New World (re-printed 1989 by Clio Press). Please note that there are some nuances and terms that might, today, be considered ‘politically incorrect.’ However, the spirit behind her words is clearly as relevant today as it was when she wrote it so […]