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Cultivating Peace in the Montessori Lessons In Grace And Courtesy

Cultivating Peace in the Montessori Lessons In Grace And Courtesy

If we are to teach real peace in this world…we shall have to begin with the children. —Mahatma Gandhi Montessori education has been referred to as “peace education”; Montessorian Sonnie McFarland calls peace education a “Montessori best practice” (Montessori Life, January 2005); and even Gandhi praised Montessori’s approach to world peace. So, how is peace […]

Montessori 101: How to Observe in a Montessori Environment

Montessori 101: How to Observe in a Montessori Environment

There are many people who may wish to observe a Montessori class in session. These include current parents of children in the school, those looking at enrolling a child, students, school leaders observing as part of staff evaluation or support, peer-to-peer observations, or a multitude of outsiders who may be interested in seeing how a […]

Montessori Students for Peace

Montessori Students for Peace

I wanted you to know that our students sent this email to Montessori elementary schools across the nation on the day that students nationwide did a ‘walk out.’ I asked them to think of something else that they could do rather than a walkout, and this is what they shared. Dear Montessori Students,  “I will […]