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Video:  Montessori Seniors Reflect on Their Education

Video: Montessori Seniors Reflect on Their Education

19 Montessori High School Seniors Reflect on Their Education Filmmaker Erick Johnson recorded seniors at Clark Montessori High School in Cincinnati, Ohio USA

Webinar:  The Perfection Deception

Webinar: The Perfection Deception

On October 6th, our guest was Dr. Jane Bluestein. We discussed her latest book, The Perfection Deception. Most people mistakenly confuse perfectionism with a healthy striving for excellence, but there is a big difference. One can lead to great achievement or at least great learning by allowing us to take risks, make mistakes, and forge […]

Webinar:  Helping Your Child Get Organized / Part 2

Webinar: Montessori for Adolescents / Pt1

Find out how traditional education fails to prepare young people for the “ever-changing future” in the 21st century. Paul’s knowledge and insights with regard to adolescents and Montessori are not only encouraging but also clearly stated and practical. Download File

Video Interview with Soon-to-Be Montessori Grads

Video Interview with Soon-to-Be Montessori Grads

This is a video interview with six soon-to-be Montessori grads from NewGate School. Join us for their thoughts on Montessori life and the world beyond.