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2017 SRQ International Montessori Foundation Conference Update

2017 SRQ International Montessori Foundation Conference Update

  The Legend of John Ringling … of circus fame! There’s an old legend circulating around Sarasota that John Ringling had a Native American guide show him around the Sarasota area to assure him that the area was on a protected cove safe from the weather that can sometimes plague our sunshine state. Seems he […]

Hurricanes Update

Hurricanes Update

he Montessori Foundation and The International Montessori Council have been personally reaching out to our schools in the states and neighboring Islands that have recently been terribly impacted by the hurricanes. Of course, we’ve not yet heard from so many because power and internet will not be available to them for a long, long time. […]

Traveling for Work

Traveling for Work

’m an experienced international traveler. I’ve traveled around the US and overseas for work many times. I am an organized person and pride myself on my time-management skills. I organize international travel for people coming to the US as well as going overseas. I’ve accompanied children on international excursions. These are just the facts, yet, […]

Grandparent’s Corner:  A Warm Heart in the Cold Northeast

Grandparent’s Corner: A Warm Heart in the Cold Northeast

moved to southwest Florida 18 years ago to escape the cold, harsh winters of upstate New York. However, my children did not follow and, subsequently, three of my four granddaughters were born, yup, in the dead of the northeast winter season. Thank goodness I keep winter coats and boots amongst my flamingo-patterned Capris! In late […]

Cooking Corner

lakely and I have been cooking in the kitchen together since she was just a toddler. I started by taking her to the market to pick out fruits and vegetables and using the process to engage her in food selection, thus expanding her palette. Children will be more likely to eat a diverse diet when […]

Lions and Tigers and Bears, oh my… and Jaguars! Defenders of Wildlife

Lions and Tigers and Bears, oh my… and Jaguars! Defenders of Wildlife

hile researching Jaguars we came across this organization: Defenders of Wildlife. In the back of my mind I thought, Hmm, Blakely’s 5th birthday is coming up in March, this organization has an adopt an animal option and the Jaguar is one of those animals. This could be a great gift for her because she’ll get […]

How to Grandparent from Both Near and Far

How to Grandparent from Both Near and Far

I’m not always available to be there. I feel guilty at times because I’m not there. I feel as if my grandchild only knows me from the voice over the phone or a short SkypeTM or FacetimeTM conversation. I don’t want to be remembered as the typical Floridian grandparent they only saw once a year. […]

The Montessori Grandparent Way to Enjoy Some Science-Inquiry Time Together

The Montessori Grandparent Way to Enjoy Some Science-Inquiry Time Together

t was time again for my annual weekend visit with Blakely Jayne, my oldest granddaughter (she’ll turn four at the end of March). Each year since she was born, my son-in-law ventures down from Rochester, New York to Sarasota, Florida, where I live. While he plays golf with his granddad, I get special time with […]

First-Time Grandparenting

First-Time Grandparenting

his past year several of my Montessori colleagues and friends became first- time grandparents. What a special gift they have all received. As Montessori guides, administrators, and practitioners what a gift they bring to the table. Because Montessori taught us all to be keen observers and to not rush in and “do” for children when […]

First-Time Grandparenting

How, What, and Why We Say What We Say

ongratulations, your grandchildren attend a Montessori school. And now, by virtue of association, you are part of a global community. A whole new set of guidelines, terms and ways to act around your grandchildren have been introduced, which, can be very confusing if you are not Montessori trained. It’s not just a learning method; it […]

Webinar:  Grandparenting the Montessori Way / Intro

Webinar: Grandparenting the Montessori Way / Intro

In this first session, Montessori grandparent, Margot Garfield-Anderson, and Lorna McGrath explore commitment, communication, boundaries, common values with regard to being a grandparent. It is a great introduction to other sessions in the series that will be more specific topics like activities, setting up the physical environment, etc.

Webinar:  Grandparenting:  How, What, Why We Speak

Webinar: Grandparenting: How, What, Why We Speak

Margot Garfield-Anderson, Montessori Foundation staff and grandparent emeritus – Many a grandparent and parent have probably wondered how Montessori teachers always know the right thing to say at the right time. Join Margot for a look at how they do that and how we can learn to do it, too. Download File

Coming Together / Community Service

Economic Struggles Unite a Soup Kitchen, Market, Social Services, & Montessori to Serve a Community in Need Community Montessori School Ft. Myers, Florida everal years ago I met a young Montessori teacher at one of our international conferences. I often keep in touch with many such people because I love hearing about what they are up […]

First-Time Grandparenting

Grandparenting: The Wonderful World of Toddlers

ecently, Blakely Jayne, my 19-month-old granddaughter came for a visit. My son-in-law brought her down from New York while he visited with his own grandfather, so I pretty much had her to myself for four glorious days. Now that she’s totally mobile and quite verbal, we did many fun activities together. One day, I took […]

Grandparenting: Gift Giving the Montessori Way

Grandparenting: Gift Giving the Montessori Way

t’s that time of the year again when commercials and print media pound into our conscious and sub consciousness that we NEED to buy their products for our children and grandchildren to ensure a successful holiday for all. The bigger the better, the more plastic pieces, even better yet, right? WRONG. Gift giving, regardless of […]

First-Time Grandparenting

Transitions: What to when there’s baby #2?

Transitions:  What to do when there’s baby number two? Montessori Foundation, IMC Membership Director & Montessori Grandparent ransitioning from one phase of our life cycle to the next can impact our entire family. We often don’t take a moment to stop and think about this, as it just seems to happen regardless. Recently, our extended family […]