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by Tracey Hall | Family Resources, Infant-Toddler (0 to 3), MFA, Montessori Curriculum, Montessori Education, Montessori Family Life, Montessori Parenting, Planes of Development, Primary (3-6), Toddler (18 months-3 years), Video, Webinars / MFA
So now your baby is old enough to go to almost any early childhood program. Join Tracey Hall, an experienced Montessori toddler guide and teacher educator, to learn how toddlers can smoothly transition into a Montessori three to six year old program and the benefits...
by Aradhna Dhawan | MFA, Primary (3-6), TC May 2024
The Montessori Method, developed by Dr. Maria Montessori, is renowned for its child-centered approach to education. Within the Montessori classroom, language development plays a crucial role in nurturing a child’s ability to communicate effectively. While the...
by Paul Epstein, PhD | MFA, Primary (3-6), TC February 2024
Independent work begins with choice, and choice is a necessary work element for self-development. Look in a Montessori classroom with twenty or more very busy children between the ages of almost three and six, and you will see children who are passionate about their...
by Montessori Family Alliance Team | Family Resources, Health / Nutrition, Infant-Toddler (0 to 3), MFA, Montessori Family Life, Montessori Grandparenting, Montessori Parenting, Parenting on the Same Page, Primary (3-6), Toddler (18 months-3 years), Video, Webinars / MFA
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by Lorna McGrath | Book Review TC May 2022, Book Reviews, Infant-Toddler (0 to 3), MFA, Primary (3-6), TC May 2022, Toddler (18 months-3 years), Tomorrow's Child
Flower Garden Written by Eve Bunting Illustrated by Kathryn Hewitt Another book by Eve Bunting! This talented woman has written many books for children from two years old to teenagers, in all different settings, and in varied real-life situations. She doesn’t try to...
by Lorna McGrath | Book Review TC May 2022, Book Reviews, MFA, Primary (3-6), TC May 2022, Toddler (18 months-3 years), Tomorrow's Child
Hold This! As a dad and his young daughter, Mika, take a walk through the woods, Mika finds so many treasures that she wants to keep and take home. She finds a stick and a frog and some water and leaves and a sparkling stone and more. Mika wants her dad to put these...
by Lorna McGrath | Book Review TC May 2022, Book Reviews, MFA, Mixed Ages, Practical Life, Primary (3-6), TC May 2022, Tomorrow's Child
The Vegetarian Cookbook: More than 50 Recipes for Young Cooks Written by DK publishers My son and his family are vegetarians. I wondered if there were any vegetarian cookbooks for children. So I went searching and, lo and behold, there were quite a few! I found one...
by Cheryl Allen and Lorna McGrath | Emotionally Healthy Children, Family Resources, MFA, Mixed Ages, Montessori Parenting, Practical Life, Primary (3-6), TC May 2022, Toddler (18 months-3 years), Tomorrow's Child
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by Carine Robin | Child's Work, Empowerment, Family Resources, Grace and Courtesy, MFA, Montessori Parenting, Primary (3-6), TC May 2022, Tomorrow's Child
A Montessori Approach to Clean-Up Time by Carine Robin We know that Montessori is all about order. We know that children have a sense of order. The Montessori classroom is an orderly environment where every activity has its place. Montessori teachers encourage...
by Simone Davis | Emotional Intelligence (EQ), Emotionally Healthy Children, Family Resources, Free Reads, Grace and Courtesy, MFA, Mixed Ages, Montessori Parenting, Practical Life, Primary (3-6), TC May 2022, Toddler (18 months-3 years), Tomorrow's Child
A Montessori Approach to Clean… Beyond Rewards, Bribes, & Punishment A Montessori Approach to Building Intrinsic Motivation 42 ways that the Montessori approach builds intrinsic discipline in our children. by Simone Davies In my last article on a...
by Alicia Diaz-David | Emotional Intelligence (EQ), Empowerment, Executive Functioning, Infant-Toddler (0 to 3), MFA, Montessori Parenting, Practical Life, Primary (3-6), TC May 2022, Toddler (18 months-3 years), Tomorrow's Child
The Dump Truck Story What happens when we normalize ‘disaster’ thinking and accept the mess by Alicia Diaz-David When my son was two years old, he scribbled on his dump truck with a brown marker and announced that he would wash it right there in the middle of our...
by Cheryl Allen | Child's Work, Early Adolescence (12-15), Emotionally Healthy Children, Family Resources, MFA, Montessori Parenting, Nature, Practical Life, Prepared Environment, Primary (3-6), TC May 2022, Tomorrow's Child
50 Ways to Celebrate Summer Learning by Cheryl Allen Summer is a time of more daylight, warmer temperatures, and more time outdoors. We may think that, for children who are out of school in the summer, it is not a time of learning. Yet, it can be an incredible time of...
by Mary Ellen Maunz | Child's Work, MFA, Montessori Education, Montessori Parenting, Practical Life, Prepared Environment, Primary (3-6), TC May 2022, Tomorrow's Child
The Power of Hands-on Learning by Mary Ellen Maunz “What the hand does, the mind remembers.” – Dr. Maria Montessori If a child is able to use their hands to discover, their discoveries become more meaningful to them. The concepts they learn are much more rooted than...
by Betsy Merena | Discipline, Grace and Courtesy, MFA, Montessori Parenting, Primary (3-6), TC May 2022, Tomorrow's Child
ARE WE REALLY ALL FRIENDS? by Betsy Merena In this article, we will discuss the appropriateness of the long-standing tradition of using the term “friends” as an all-encompassing definition of peer relationships in the early childhood classroom environment. Through a...
by Tim Seldin | Child's Work, Kindergarten, MFA, Montessori Education, Montessori Parenting, Primary (3-6), Re-enrollment, TC Feb 2022, Tomorrow's Child
Every year in January, one of us will write an article about the importance of children who are turning five completing the three-year cycle of the Montessori Early Childhood program. We do this because this is a decision that is truly important for any child who has...
by Theresa | Child's Work, Emotional Intelligence (EQ), Empowerment, Family Resources, Grace and Courtesy, Infant-Toddler (0 to 3), MFA, Montessori Family Life, Montessori Parenting, Practical Life, Primary (3-6), TC Feb 2022, Tomorrow's Child
by Theresa of One of the most wonderful things about toddlers is how they so inherently want to help. They are eager to be involved, be near us, and participate in our day-to-day activities. What we deem “chores,” toddlers see as what they...
by Dorothy Harman | Child's Work, Children with Exceptionalities, Emotionally Healthy Children, Montessori Curriculum, Prepared Environment, Primary (3-6), TC Feb 2022
Normalization is a term that Montessori teachers exhaust at the beginning of each school year. “The children are normalizing.” “Normalization is a delicate process.” “We’re almost normalized.” But what is normalization? Dr. Montessori described normalization in this...
by Joe Newman | Communication, Emotionally Healthy Children, Family Resources, Infant-Toddler (0 to 3), Kindergarten, Lower Elementary (6-9), Montessori Family Life, Primary (3-6), Toddler (18 months-3 years), Upper Elementary (9-12), Webinars / MFA
Do you feel like you talk too much about your child’s behavior? Are you constantly repeating your requests and explaining things your children already understand? Joe Newman, the author of “Raising Lions” will talk about how replacing our explanations and...