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Living With Adolescents: A Montessori Approach  Learning Their Language

Living With Adolescents: A Montessori Approach Learning Their Language

rowing up as a Montessori child in Mexico shaped much of my life and gave me a great passion to teach. Learning with the beautiful and precise Montessori materials led me to become fascinated with the language of mathematics and geometry, and, as I watched older students discover them as I had, I discovered a […]

Nutritionist Jan Katzen’s  Brainy Breakfast for Kids

Nutritionist Jan Katzen’s Brainy Breakfast for Kids

hen I began my career as a Montessori educator decades ago, I had no idea that what a child ate (or didn’t eat) for breakfast could dictate the difference between inattention, chaos, grumpiness, status quo, and excellence in classroom achievement. Nor did I know that my students would inspire me to change careers. Attention, learning, […]

The Bridge between Happy Families and Healthy Communities

The Bridge between Happy Families and Healthy Communities

We have been able to implement a number of strategies already into our school, including yoga, sensory-integration techniques, emotional expression through art, and creative relaxation through breathing and visualization. aria Montessori advocated the critical importance of early childhood development. We recognize this in the structure of her philosophy in classrooms and in life outside school […]

Nature Mandalas

Nature Mandalas

THE INSPIRATION ust outside the art studio, fall was filling the hearts and minds of my elementary students. Many of them would collect the fallen leaves, pine cones, and seeds and bring me their treasures. Lining them up on my nature shelf, they were fascinated by the colors, shapes, and even the smells of them! […]