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Enrollment/Marketing Ideas: how to speak to prospective families and easily gain enrollment

Back to the Montessori Basics: The Art of Observation

Discover the art behind the science that unlocks a student and a guide’s potential–observation. In this session, we’ll review the types, stages, and the C.O.R.E. of observation, sharing strategies that allow us to develop a deeper self-understanding...
Good-Byes & Good-Hellos

Good-Byes & Good-Hellos

Good-byes and good-hellos are such an important part of your child’s day whether they show it or not. How you feel about leaving them, how you prepare them for separation, how you greet them, and what you do at the end of the day can make a huge difference in...
What Your Child’s Teacher Needs to Know about Your Child…to Optimize their Learning Experience

What Your Child’s Teacher Needs to Know about Your Child…to Optimize their Learning Experience

Have you ever wondered what and how much information about your family and your child’s home life would be very helpful for their teachers to know? What type of information is too personal? What kinds of situations might change your child’s behavior at...
Enrollment/Marketing Ideas: how to speak to prospective families and easily gain enrollment

Part 2 Appreciative Inquiry by CHarlie Biggs

People have different ways of making sense of their work and relationships, as well as the feedback they receive. To matter, feedback has to acknowledge that people on both the giving and the receiving ends will have very different lenses through which they are sense...
Enrollment/Marketing Ideas: how to speak to prospective families and easily gain enrollment

Part 1: Appreciative Inquiry with Charlie Biggs

People have different ways of making sense of their work and relationships, as well as the feedback they receive. To matter, feedback has to acknowledge that a people on both the giving and the receiving ends will have very different lenses through which they are...