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by Montessori Family Alliance Team | Family Resources, MFA, Montessori Grandparenting, Montessori Parenting, Parenting on the Same Page, Video, Webinars / MFA
Would you like to build a stronger partnership with the administration and board at your child’s school? What are the key steps to partnering with school administrators and teachers to set you and your child’s school up for collaboration, problem solving, and opening...
by Montessori Family Alliance Team | Family Resources, MFA, Montessori Family Life, Montessori Grandparenting, Montessori Parenting, Reading, Video, Webinars / MFA
This is one of our favorite webinars. We love to read with and to children. Our motto is “Drop everything and grab a book!” We will review some of our favorites for children and adults. We will also include a PDF of great reads for you to refer to later....
by Montessori Family Alliance Team | Communication, Emotionally Healthy Children, Family Resources, Grace and Courtesy, Language, MFA, Montessori Family Life, Montessori Grandparenting, Montessori Parenting, Parenting on the Same Page, Video, Webinars / MFA
Good-byes and good-hellos are such an important part of your child’s day whether they show it or not. How you feel about leaving them, how you prepare them for separation, how you greet them, and what you do at the end of the day can make a huge difference in...
by Montessori Family Alliance Team | Communication, Family Resources, MFA, Montessori Parenting, Parenting on the Same Page, Video, Webinars / MFA
Have you ever wondered what and how much information about your family and your child’s home life would be very helpful for their teachers to know? What type of information is too personal? What kinds of situations might change your child’s behavior at...
by Montessori Family Alliance Team | Family Resources, MFA, Montessori Parenting, Video, Webinars / MFA
Friendships are so important throughout our lives because most humans want to have connections with others. A huge part of what children are learning throughout their years at home and in school is how to build strong, healthy relationships. Join our team as we...
by Montessori Family Alliance Team | Family Resources, MFA, Montessori Parenting, Parenting on the Same Page, Student Conferences, Video, Webinars / MFA
Have you ever heard anything like; Nobody wants to play with me, So and so keeps bothering me when I’m working, or I don’t get how to do the Stamp Game? Join us as our team walks you through ideas for supporting your child navigate difficult situations at...
by Cassi Mackey | Family Resources, MFA, Montessori Parenting, Parenting on the Same Page, Student Conferences, Video, Webinars / MFA
Creating a safe space for meaningful dialogue and discussion about issues regarding your child leads to the desired end – understanding each others’ perspectives and working together to best serve your child. This is not always a one-step, quick fix but, rather,...
by Christine Lowry | Family Resources, Language, Language & Reading, MFA, Montessori Family Life, Montessori Parenting, Reading, Video, Webinars / MFA
Christine Lowry, a Montessori special educator with expertise in language and literacy development, will share ideas based on current research that advocates using a natural, relaxed approach to learn and love reading. She will explain how to use a “serve and...
by Julia Volkman | Family Resources, MFA, Montessori Family Life, Montessori Parenting, Video, Webinars / MFA
Join us as we talk with Julia Volkman, long-time Montessori teacher, faculty member of the Brain Health Initiative, and guest lecturer for Harvard University’s Neuroscience of Learning/Mind, Brain, Health, and Education course. She will discuss how screen time...
by The Montessori Foundation Staff | Family Resources, Infant, Infant-Toddler (0 to 3), MFA, Montessori Family Life, Montessori Parenting, Parenting on the Same Page, Start of School Year, Video, Webinars / MFA
Is this your child’s first school experience – their first time away from home or from a primary caregiver? Or is it the transition from being at home with parents, grandparents, or a special aunt or uncle? Transitions are not easy for any of us and they...
by Lorna McGrath | Family Resources, MFA, Montessori Family Life, Montessori Parenting, Video, Webinars / MFA
Ellie and Talia Campbell are a mother-daughter team who have written and published a book together called “Monster Tea Party.” They will join us to share their real life experience with childhood anxiety, how they are managing it in their own family, and...
by Montessori Family Alliance Team | Family Resources, MFA, Montessori Family Life, Montessori Parenting, Parenting on the Same Page, Video, Webinars / MFA
Do you struggle to create a balance for your family between home life, school obligations, and extracurricular activities? You are not alone. Our Montessori experts will share their thoughts and ideas on ways to create balance. Join us to plan and implement strategies...
by Castle O'Neill | Family Resources, MFA, Montessori Family Life, Montessori Grandparenting, Montessori Parenting, Outdoor Education / Resources, Video, Webinars / MFA
Anxiety is a significant and increasing mental health challenge for children, adolescents and adults. The research tells us that we can lower children’s anxiety by helping them develop a sense of self-control and self-competence. Montessori environments excel in...
by Castle O'Neill | Family Resources, MFA, Montessori Family Life, Montessori Grandparenting, Montessori Parenting, Outdoor Education / Resources, Video, Webinars / MFA
Anxiety is a significant and increasing mental health challenge for children, adolescents and adults. The research tells us that we can lower children’s anxiety by helping them develop a sense of self-control and self-competence. Montessori environments excel in...
by Tammy Oesting | Family Resources, MFA, Montessori Family Life, Montessori Grandparenting, Montessori Parenting, Outdoor Education / Resources, Video, Webinars / MFA
Join Montessori parent and educator Tammy Oesting as she shares the wisdom of creating meaningful time in nature with children, the benefits for your child and family, and some practical tips for how to do so. She’ll share how Dr. Montessori delivered a path for...
by Montessori Family Alliance Team | Family Resources, MFA, Montessori Family Life, Montessori Grandparenting, Montessori Parenting, Outdoor Education / Resources, Video, Webinars / MFA
Engaging, enticing, and storytelling are all-around-fun and important ways to connect with children. Margot has done each of the projects in this webinar with her grandchildren and knows they will always remember “Grammie” as the one who enjoyed doing fun...
by Margot Garfield-Anderson | Family Resources, MFA, Montessori Family Life, Montessori Parenting, Outdoor Education / Resources, Science, Video, Webinars / MFA
Engaging, enticing, and storytelling are all-around-fun and important ways to connect with children. Margot has done each of the projects in this webinar with her grandchildren and knows they will always remember “Grammie” as the one who enjoyed doing fun...
by Jackie Grundberg | Family Resources, MFA, Montessori Family Life, Montessori Parenting, Outdoor Education / Resources, Science, Video, Webinars / MFA
Looking for ways to balance your children’s academic progress during the summer months while also having fun? From outdoor exploration to creative projects, we’ll discuss educational and effective ways of using science to incorporate learning while having...