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Dear Cathie: Allowing Children To  Concentrate

Dear Cathie: Allowing Children To Concentrate

Dear Cathie:  I like lots of parts of the Montessori system. But I am confused about why children are supposed to be quiet and calm all the time. When I watch my children at home, they seem to need to scream, run, and jump almost constantly. It seems that the Montessori schools go against what […]

Montessori 101: What Do All These Terms Really Mean?

Montessori 101: What Do All These Terms Really Mean?

y now your Montessori child has settled into a routine and joyfully approaches each new day at school. You’ve attended some parent nights and open houses. The Montessori guides are reporting their earliest observations of your child, using terms that are new to your ear. How do they translate into layman’s terms and what place […]

Authentic Montessori: The Teacher Makes the Difference

Authentic Montessori: The Teacher Makes the Difference

  he classroom was out of control. Children ran from one end of the room to the other. Teachers chased students around reminding them of the ground rules, but which always fell on deaf ears. The children responded to each other and their teachers rudely in speech and action (often hitting). Teachers regularly (at least […]

Montessori Parenting: A Concept Whose Time Has Come

Montessori Parenting: A Concept Whose Time Has Come

ince Dr. Maria Montessori’s discovery of the true nature of childhood over a century ago, children around the globe have benefitted from Montessori education. However, even parents who have children enrolled in Montessori schools could derive further benefits through the implementation of Montessori principles and practices in the home . Children reap the rewards when, […]

Montessori Teachers: How Do They Do It?

Montessori Teachers: How Do They Do It?

am sitting at home right now, drinking my second coffee of the day. My two boys have finally given in and are taking naps (at the same time!), and all is right with the world. It is a snow day, and this morning, when I saw the cancellation notice with the name of my kids’ […]

Authorized List of Montessori Materials – Dr. Michael Dorer

Authorized List of Montessori Materials – Dr. Michael Dorer

Authorized List of Montessori Materials for Montessori Classrooms Organized and Edited by Michael Dorer Contributors: Michael Dorer, Syneva Barrett, Lois Bobo, Rose Dorer, Peter Hanson, Shanna Honan, Maria Kaminstein, Angela Lord-Carsrud, Ann Luce, Chris Sacerdote, Larry Shankar, Maria Verhaal   Copyright Michael Dorer Shared with members and students on the Montessori Foundation and International Montessori […]

Webcast:  What should be in a Montessori Primary classroom?

Webcast: What should be in a Montessori Primary classroom?

> This week we discussed the topic of what belongs in an early childhood Montessori classroom. We share a suggested list of materials and furnishings with you. Our goal was not to cover each material, but to discuss the issue in broader terms and to explore the issue of materials from outside of Montessori.

Freedom Within Limits: A Montessori Upbringing

Freedom Within Limits: A Montessori Upbringing

et the child free, let them have fair play, let them run out when it is raining, take off their shoes when they find pools of water, and when the grass of the meadows is damp with dew, let them run about with bare feet and trample on it; let them rest quietly when the […]

Ten Essential Montessori Principles (Plus One!)

hen people first come to study the approach that bears Dr. Maria Montessori’s name, they often see it as simplistic—easily grasped and even more easily implemented. It is not uncommon to hear Montessori principles boiled down: it’s “all about choice”; “independence is the centerpiece”; or “it focuses upon the idea of ‘work.’” Montessori is much […]

Sensitive Periods

Sensitive Periods

ontessori believed in a necessary relationship between children and their environment. Children must find a properly prepared environment if they are to fully develop their unique human potentials. In addition to determining children’s eventual height, hair color, and other physical characteristics, there is another cognitive plan which determines the unique emotional and intellectual qualities of […]

Creating an Indoor Playground for Your Infant

Creating an Indoor Playground for Your Infant

  Lorna will show you how to create an indoor play yard for your baby or your grandbaby. When the little one starts to move around on his own, it’s time to create a space for him that is safe, engaging, and fun!

Webinar:  OCCI (Order, Concentration, Coordination, and Independence) in the Elementary Years

Webinar: OCCI (Order, Concentration, Coordination, and Independence) in the Elementary Years

  <br>   Some may say, “What is OCCI?” Some may say, “I thought OCCI was just during the Primary years.” Cheryl says, “Let’s see how we can continue to support the development of order, concentration, coordination, and independence during the elementary years.” Join us for some interesting insights.

Explaining the Extraordinary: Nourishing the Child’s Potential

hat is Montessori education, and how does it differ from traditional methods of learning and theories of child development? Parents of children in Montessori schools are regularly asked questions about Montessori education by family and friends, and it isn’t easy to respond in a manner that captures the essence of Dr. Montessori’s philosophy and Method. […]