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Woodworking 101 for Children 3-6 Yrs. Old

Have you ever thought about allowing your 3-6 year old to use real tools and wood to create sculptures or toys? And then were your next thoughts, “Oh no. It’s too dangerous,” “She’s too young,” or “I have no idea where to start.” If any or all of those things have gone through your head, […]

Wonder-filled Year of Change: 2 to 3 Years Old

Wonder-filled Year of Change: 2 to 3 Years Old

What? Wonder-filled? Did you think, “What could be wonder-filled about the TERRIBLE TWO’S?” If you are struggling with your two-year old or you are about to celebrate your child’s second birthday, this session with Lorna will give you insights about two-year old behavior, how they are changing during the year from 2 to 3, success […]

Wonder-filled Year of Change: 2 to 3 Years Old

Value and Values of Montessori in the 21st Century

What kinds of life skills will your child need to be successful – happy, healthy, and productive – in the 21st century? Beyond facts, figures, and formulas, what will young people need to know to find their way and make their mark in a world which increasingly demands higher order thinking, social intelligence, and self-organizing […]

Wonder-filled Year of Change: 2 to 3 Years Old

Work or Play? What’s the Difference?

Many of us get confused about how young children develop the skills that they need to become self-directed, problem solvers, focused and able to follow through, confident, and creative. We look at what they become really engaged in and wonder, “why?” or we get so wrapped up in our important adult “busyness” that we don’t […]

Do’s and Don’ts to Handle Picky Eating

Picky eating involves a variety of behaviors. Here are some tips for helping your child develop a more tolerant attitude toward food. DO Serve age-appropriate portions. Give toddlers portions that are one-fourth to one-third the size of adult portions. A toddler faced with both a plateful of food and a parent who expects him to […]

Montessori Journey: Our First Day

Montessori Journey: Our First Day

I remember clearly the crunch of the gravel under the tires as I pulled into the NewGate parking lot for the first time. Dylan was eighteen months old and I was in the middle of a divorce. We had never spent a day apart, and I was starting a new job. I didn’t know it...
Montessori Grandparenting: Help Me, Gammie

Montessori Grandparenting: Help Me, Gammie

arper will be my last grandchild. At 20-months old, the world of language opened its floodgates. She’s actually quite verbal for her age. At her 18-month check-up, the pediatrician asked if she had a vocabulary of at least three words. At that point she probably had close to one-hundred words, and now, a few months […]

Webinar:  OCCI (Order, Concentration, Coordination, and Independence) in the Elementary Years

Webinar: OCCI (Order, Concentration, Coordination, and Independence) in the Elementary Years

  <br>   Some may say, “What is OCCI?” Some may say, “I thought OCCI was just during the Primary years.” Cheryl says, “Let’s see how we can continue to support the development of order, concentration, coordination, and independence during the elementary years.” Join us for some interesting insights.