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A Sample Philosophy Of Curriculum

A Sample Philosophy Of Curriculum

The Barrie School Curriculum Guide: Age 3 — 12 A Philosophy Of Curriculum by Tim Seldin, Headmaster, 1971-93   The Barrie School is designed to prepare children both for university and for life. There are three key ideas that are central to our mission as a school: It is not the adult who shapes the […]

Montessori, Darwin and Telling The New Story Of Evolution

by David Loye In the beginning there was the Domination System and the Organism. Then the Love System entered life and meaningful Evolution began… This is the disarming and I hope engaging way my telling of the new story of the new story of evolution begins....
How Montessori educators use stories in the Montessori program

How Montessori educators use stories in the Montessori program

Story Telling In Montessori Education by Dr. Paul Clement Czaja The word “story” comes from the ancient Greek word “histor” and means literally “a narration from a learned man.” Since the beginnings of human time, noble men and women who had survived life long enough to be old would share stories of wisdom to all […]

Adolescence Without Tears – The Montessori High School

Adolescence Without Tears – The Montessori High School

Adolescence Without Tears – The Montessori High School A special issue from Tomorrow’s Child. Adolescence is the middle ground between childhood and the world of adults. Teenagers are neither child nor adult. One minute they are one, next the other. Their bodies are growing overnight, and as sudden spurts of growth begin, they often become […]

Becoming a Montessori Teacher

Becoming a Montessori Teacher

Montessori parents often make the best Montessori teachers. The same things that draw enthusiastic parents to a Montessori school in the first place, inspire some to become Montessori teachers themselves. Some parents approach their children’s school, or are themselves approached, about the possibility of taking Montessori teacher training. Many Montessori teachers and administrators began as […]

Tips to Handle Your Child’s “No” Gracefully

Tips to Handle Your Child’s “No” Gracefully

from Tomorrow’s Child Magazine – May, 2021 | by The Montessori Foundation What You Need to Know There are few words less nerve-wracking than hearing your child say “no” to you. Rest assured, your child is very normal. If she asserts herself with a “no,” you can pat yourself on the back. You have not […]

Why Schools Fundraise

Why Schools Fundraise

from Tomorrow’s Child Magazine – May, 2021 | by The Montessori Foundation Bake sales, special events, art auctions, annual funds, capital campaigns, endowments… It sometimes seems like the nonprofits in our lives are constantly asking us to give. Even if your children attend a local public or charter school, it’s likely that fundraising through the […]