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Montessori Grandparenting: We Are All Stewards of the Earth

Montessori Grandparenting: We Are All Stewards of the Earth

Have you been observing this young student from Sweden? Greta Thunberg is a teenager who is credited with raising global awareness of the risks posed by global warming/climate change, and with holding politicians accountable for their lack of action on the climate...
Parenting 101: How Giving A Simple Direction Can Create Clarity

Parenting 101: How Giving A Simple Direction Can Create Clarity

Quite often with a 3-, 4- or 5-year-old, there’s a lot of grey areas when they’re testing boundaries and you’re not sure a break is necessary—maybe he’s touching the baby’s face and he’s looking at you and he’s got this look in his eye like he’s thinking, “Can I do...
Why are Children so Different Today

Why are Children so Different Today

by Jane Nelsen, EdD and Chip DeLorenzo, MEd   When working with Montessori teachers, we always start by asking them to list their current stressors. Inevitably, they share that children exhibit a high degree of disrespect, entitlement, and lack of...
Peacemaking Circles

Peacemaking Circles

Dealing With Tantrums

Dealing With Tantrums

I’m going to dive right in to discuss a very tricky area for parents and children alike: tantrums. I hope you find this article useful so you can start applying Montessori principles in your home too. Dealing with Tantrums Tantrums are a pretty normal part of life...