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Montessori Early Childhood Language: Life-Long Literacy

Montessori Early Childhood Language: Life-Long Literacy

The development of language in early-childhood classrooms is an umbrella for the entire Montessori curriculum. Often teachers and parents consider activities on the shelves of the Language area as the heart of actual language learning. Certainly these activities provide powerful opportunities, but language learning occurs most profoundly in the moment-to-moment life of interactions within the […]

Great Lessons and Key Lessons

Great Lessons and Key Lessons

Great Lessons and Key Lessons derive from the psychological characteristics and needs of the child in the second plane of development. (ages 6 to 12). Lessons are not a pivotal aspect of Montessori. The role of the adult is to inspire a sense of wonder, not to teach. Lessons in a conventional sense relate to […]

Parenting Toward Anti-Racism Continued

The Inner Work of Parenting: What We Can Learn from Children…To Help Us Be Happier, Healthier, and Better Caregivers

During this session, lead by Jonathan Wolff, we will explore what Maria Montessori and Kahlil Ghibran said about the work of the adult and parent. Concepts like “letting go of our positions,” “openness to the child’s view,” “being responsible for our adult emotions,” “no double standards,” and more will be discussed. Jon and the others […]

Parenting Toward Anti-Racism Continued

Parenting Toward Anti-Racism

So many of you have asked, “How do we talk to our children about the social unrest in America? How do we support them as we navigate our way through so many feelings and questions? How and when do we talk to our children about race? Dr.Val Wise along with our...
Parenting Toward Anti-Racism Continued

Parenting in Summer 2020: the Unique Joys and Challenges

The Summer of 2020 is unprecedented in our lifetimes. What does that mean for parents? How do we ensure a healthy level of safety in our children as they reintegrate without causing undue stress and anxiety? How do we stay calm when there is so much unknown? Join us to learn some of the answers […]

Parenting Toward Anti-Racism Continued

How to Help My Upset Child

Knowing how best to comfort an upset child is some times frustrating and confusing. What do I do, what do I say, how do I manage my own feelings of upset? Join us as we share tools and tips for supporting an upset child. We’ll share ideas for toddlers through adolescents as we explore this […]

Parenting Toward Anti-Racism Continued

Toileting with Toddlers: The “hows” and “whens”

Toileting for Toddlers is a topic that anyone who has gone through it, is going through, or will be going through it has some basic questions and probably needs some support as they work with their children through this natural process. Anni Bryner is a toddler guide extraordinaire and she will answer many parents’ questions […]

Parenting Toward Anti-Racism Continued

Feeling Pushed into a Corner by Your Child?

Can you read me one more story, please? Can I have another cookie? I don’t want to get dressed! Feeling pushed into a corner by your child can bring about language and actions of good intentions that result in poor outcomes. In this session we’ll discuss the challenges of setting boundaries with our children as […]

Parenting Toward Anti-Racism Continued

What to Say Instead of “Be Careful”

So many adults are always telling children to, “Be careful.” What message are children getting about the world? Lorna has some ideas about the message and how to change that message into more empowering thoughts and build problem-solving skills.

Parenting Toward Anti-Racism Continued

Grace and Courtesy: Building New Skills

We have heard many people say that they have noticed declining civility in public discourse in recent years. Yet, learning how to meet our needs in ways that are constructive, and developing the ability to listen and respond well to others, takes practice (as well as patient instruction). These valuable skills can help our children […]

Parenting Toward Anti-Racism Continued

Reading Alive!

When you embody the story, when you can feel excited and curious and delighted, the child cannot help but be brought in, too! All you need is a little bravery and a good helping of enthusiasm. Join Caitlin Roper for some wonderful,important tips for great story telling.

Talking to Smart Speakers

In this session we discuss our changing world, how humans adapt, and opportunities for thoughtful communication, specifically related to “Smart Speakers.” Maria Montessori developed a part of the curriculum called Grace and Courtesy. Many schools do not emphasize this aspect of learning as we do in Montessori schools. As Montessori said, “…education should be preparation […]