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Montessori: The Science — Part 6: Avoid Extrinsic Rewards

Montessori: The Science — Part 6: Avoid Extrinsic Rewards

Dr. Angeline Lillard presents Maria Montessori’s key insights about childhood education, the subsequent educational research that has validated her approach, and how these ideas are implemented in a modern Montessori classroom. From Montessori: The Science Behind the...
Montessori: The Science — Part 7: Social Education is Effective

Montessori: The Science — Part 7: Social Education is Effective

Dr. Angeline Lillard presents Maria Montessori’s key insights about childhood education, the subsequent educational research that has validated her approach, and how these ideas are implemented in a modern Montessori classroom. From Montessori: The Science Behind the...
Montessori: The Science — Part 8: Meaningful Contexts Assist Learning

Montessori: The Science — Part 8: Meaningful Contexts Assist Learning

Dr. Angeline Lillard presents Maria Montessori’s key insights about childhood education, the subsequent educational research that has validated her approach, and how these ideas are implemented in a modern Montessori classroom. From Montessori: The Science Behind the...
Montessori: The Science — Part 9: Positive Adult Interaction

Montessori: The Science — Part 9: Positive Adult Interaction

Dr. Angeline Lillard presents Maria Montessori’s key insights about childhood education, the subsequent educational research that has validated her approach, and how these ideas are implemented in a modern Montessori classroom. From Montessori: The Science Behind the...
Montessori: The Science — Part 10: Order in the Environment and Mind

Montessori: The Science — Part 10: Order in the Environment and Mind

Dr. Angeline Lillard presents Maria Montessori’s key insights about childhood education, the subsequent educational research that has validated her approach, and how these ideas are implemented in a modern Montessori classroom. From Montessori: The Science Behind the...
Educate And Inspire With Maria Montessori The Musical

Educate And Inspire With Maria Montessori The Musical

My name is Mark Woodward, and I am a composer, songwriter, and the Music Director at Montessori Academy in Brentwood, TN. I am a musician by education, and I was a musician by trade until making the leap into the field of education. Ready for a change, I was invited through a mutual friend to […]

Beyond The Numbers Sustaining Equity In Montessori Schools

Research has demonstrated the benefits children gain from attending racially diverse schools. Berends and Penaloza (2010) and Newton (2010), both found that students in diverse schools tended to score higher in math. Benson and Borman (2010), found that literacy scores improved when students attended racially diverse schools. As Montessorians, we know that education cannot be […]

Montessori Teacher Supports For Children With Exceptionalities

Montessori Teacher Supports For Children With Exceptionalities

Supports for children who have special needs have been legally mandated for several decades in the United States. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act became law in 1990 and was updated in 2004.  Public schools must provide Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) for students with documented needs that meet the law’s specified criteria. IEPs identify needed […]

Webcast: Creating A Culture Of Self Mastery In The Classroom

Webcast: The Importance Of Social Justice Practice In Montessori Schools

Webcast The Importance of Social Justice Practice in Montessori Schools

Webcast: Creating A Culture Of Self Mastery In The Classroom

Montessori based Multi-Tier System of Support An overview with Christine Lowry, M.Ed

Montessori Based Multi-Tier System Of Support An Overview With Christine Lowry, M Ed

Dear Cathie

Dear Cathie

Dear Cathie— My children are not always nice to each other, and they sometimes admit they have been unkind to others at school or on play dates as well. I want them to learn to be kind and respectful. I have been expecting them to say “I’m sorry” when they act in this manner, such […]

Motivating Adolescent Students: With Practical Life Experiences

Motivating Adolescent Students: With Practical Life Experiences

“The chief symptom of adolescence is a state of expectation, a tendency towards creative work and a need for the strengthening of self-confidence.” —Maria Montessori What motivates adolescents to do their best work? Most would agree that programs that support student...