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Clutter and Anxiety Go Hand-in-Hand

I literally cannot get down to work and concentrate when I am surrounded by a desk full of stuff or a room with clothes strewn all over it. It just starts to make me crazy or, at the very least, distracted. And I consider myself to be a relatively low key, easy going...
Grace and Courtesy: Building New Skills

Grace and Courtesy: Building New Skills

We have heard many people say that they have noticed declining civility in public discourse in recent years. Yet, learning how to meet our needs in ways that are constructive, and developing the ability to listen and respond well to others, takes practice (as well as patient instruction). These valuable skills can help our children […]

Grace and Courtesy: Building New Skills

January Calm: The Comfort of Routine and Consistency

There is a wonderful phenomenon that happens when children come back to school after the winter break. It is the great pleasure of being back in the routine of everyday living which allows children to focus and move forward in their growth. Christine will share some of her observations of the classroom at the Primary […]

Grace and Courtesy: Building New Skills

Reading Alive!

When you embody the story, when you can feel excited and curious and delighted, the child cannot help but be brought in, too! All you need is a little bravery and a good helping of enthusiasm. Join Caitlin Roper for some wonderful,important tips for great story telling.

Grace and Courtesy: Building New Skills

Story Time: the Last 20 Minutes of the Day

Bedtime is far more than ‘just story time’. It is a time when our kids are integrating the experiences of their day and transitioning between brain states and brain functions. How we engage with them during the last 20 minutes impacts their esteem, self-worth, and confidence in the morning. Listen in on this conversation around […]

Talking to Smart Speakers

In this session we discuss our changing world, how humans adapt, and opportunities for thoughtful communication, specifically related to “Smart Speakers.” Maria Montessori developed a part of the curriculum called Grace and Courtesy. Many schools do not emphasize this aspect of learning as we do in Montessori schools. As Montessori said, “…education should be preparation […]

Dealing With Tantrums

Dealing With Tantrums

I’m going to dive right in to discuss a very tricky area for parents and children alike: tantrums. I hope you find this article useful so you can start applying Montessori principles in your home too. Dealing with Tantrums Tantrums are a pretty normal part of life...
Grace and Courtesy: Building New Skills

Linking Science at Home and Science at School

Kelly Johnson is a talented writer, artist, and naturalist who also happens to be a Montessori certified elementary teacher. She has written two outstanding books, “Wings,Worms and Wonder” and “Wonder and Wander” that link home and school activities for discovering the awesomeness of our natural world. In this session she will share some activities from […]

Grace and Courtesy: Building New Skills

How Do You Get Your Child to Read Books?

You’ve probably seen the cartoon with two parents and their two children sitting on a park bench together. One parent and her child have phones in their hands and the other parent and his child have books in their hands. The question from the parent with the phone is, How do you get your child […]

Grace and Courtesy: Building New Skills

Turning Down the Heat on Power Struggles

Do you feel like there are persons in your family that you are constantly being challenged by, you are battling with about every little thing, or you are just plain angry with? In this session Lorna will take participants through an awareness of feelings associated with power struggles, an understanding of the effects of power […]

Webcast: Driven To Abstraction The Impact Of Imposing Academics On Toddlers

Webcast: Driven To Abstraction The Impact Of Imposing Academics On Toddlers

Webcast Driven to Abstraction The Impact of Imposing Academics on Toddlers

Grace and Courtesy: Building New Skills

Summer Ideas for Families

Summertime is perfect for continued learning opportunities with your child. Bring Montessori home with you this summer and keep the learning fun. Kristi shares suggestions for preparing a Montessori-friendly indoor as well as outdoor environment, reinforcing language and phonetic skills, and observing your child to better understand what they are interested in and how they […]

Grace and Courtesy: Building New Skills

Purposeful Work for Toddlers

In this session Kristi Antczak will share ways to understand and observe the underlying factors that motivate toddlers to do what they do. She will focus on the Sensitive Period for Toddlers (18 months-3 years old). This knowledge will assist parents at home in creating activities for their children or in simply recognizing the reasons […]

Grace and Courtesy: Building New Skills

Supporting Your Child with Co-Regulation

In this webinar Christine Lowry will guide us in how to help not only our children to be able to self-regulate their emotions but also, how we can develop better skills in this area along with our children. She will provide important information about how adults influence the level of emotion that our children experience. […]

Grace and Courtesy: Building New Skills

Reaching for Peace

Mary Helen Abel will share her experiences and inspiration for this artistic children’s peace project. She will explain how she went about putting the project together and the materials needed including a small item for the children to take home.  She collaborated  with a family in the school who owned a business in the local […]

Grace and Courtesy: Building New Skills

Wonder-filled Year of Change: 2 to 3 Years Old

What? Wonder-filled? Did you think, “What could be wonder-filled about the TERRIBLE TWO’S?” If you are struggling with your two-year old or you are about to celebrate your child’s second birthday, this session with Lorna will give you insights about two-year old behavior, how they are changing during the year from 2 to 3, success […]

Montessori at Home from Birth to Three:  Why and How?

Montessori at Home from Birth to Three: Why and How?

Eighty-Five Percent Of The Brain Is Formed By Age Three The core structure of the brain is formed in the first three years. By age three, the brain has established a pattern of processing information that will be used throughout life. As such, a child’s early...